Mon Dec 21 21:56:40 EDT 2009 Change Over:
My other two domains that no once visited, and have gone done because I recently broke my wallet. So what information I.. at least intended to have over there, I now intend to have here as well. Including but not limited to GNU/Arix, ArixOS, my programs, and my tutorials.
For the time being, I don't have space for the operating systems. An attempt will be made to outsource the data (possible to sourceforge). I'm redesigning my Linux distro, and ArixOS at this time is unsuitable as an actual OS.
Most of my tutorials have been lost, but I plan to have a boat load of free time over the next year to make a serious effort to make a substantial amount of informative introductions.
My main goal right now is to design this site in a peculiar fashion; I want
design this site as if it were a php site, using C or some other programming language that isn't technically for website. I will document this purely experimental process. Though I don't expect it to have any honest application. I only want to do it for the simple reason that I can, and this host permits me to do so.